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DIN A4 foldable
Height-adjustable DIN A4 foldable
Format rotatable height-adjustable DIN A4 foldable
Format rotatable height-adjustable DIN A3 foldable
DIN A4 with vase and candle
DIN A4 with urn plate and candles


Lace white
Lace white black
Lace white gold
Lace white silver
Garland with lace
Cross palm with lace
Cross palm black
Garland black on white
Meander black
Garland white on black
Garland white on white
Meander white
Garland white on gold
Cross palm tree gold
Baroque pattern gold

Our innovative products from the funeral industry make your work much easier. Benefit from innovations in the areas of care & embalming, hygiene, urns & coffins, funeral services and cemetery supplies. Find the ideal products now for professional and safe work in the care of the deceased, thanatology and pathology.