Lavabi's specialist retailer in conversation with Silvia Vertetics, Head of Marketing at Himmelblau Bestattung
Sustainability and cost efficiency are increasingly important topics in the funeral industry. In an interview with Silvia Vertetics, Head of Marketing at Himmelblau Bestattung, we find out more about the introduction of the innovative Flamea coffins made of cellulose, which are now also available from funeral wholesaler Lavabis.
Lavabis: Ms. Vertetics, what prompted you to include the Flamea coffins in your range?
Silvia Vertetics: We have noticed that more and more of our customers are looking for more environmentally friendly and cost-effective alternatives, especially for cremations. The demand for products that are both resource-friendly and economical has increased significantly in recent years. As a leading private funeral home in Austria, we see it as our responsibility to respond to these needs. With Flamea coffins, we have found a product that meets these requirements. They offer an innovative, sustainable solution that also complies with legal requirements.
Lavabis: How have your customers reacted to the new Flamea coffin range so far?
Silvia Vertetics: The response so far has been very positive. Many of our customers appreciate the opportunity to make a contribution to environmental protection, even when it comes to funerals. The combination of environmental awareness and cost efficiency is very attractive, especially in times of rising prices. Some were initially surprised that a coffin made of cellulose could be so stable and of such high quality, but the feedback was consistently very good.
Lavabis: What are the general advantages of Flamea coffins compared to traditional wooden coffins?
Silvia Vertetics: The Flamea coffins are made of a specially developed cellulose composite fiber material called Fibratec, which has many advantages. First of all, CO2 emissions during cremation are 60 percent lower than with conventional wooden coffins, which makes a significant contribution to climate protection. In addition, the coffins are very light - they weigh just 10.6 kilograms - and at the same time extremely stable. The low ash residue after cremation is another plus point. What's more, they are cheaper than wooden coffins, which is an important relief for many families in times of rising living costs.
Lavabis: What reservations did you have about this new product and how were these overcome?
Silvia Vertetics: Initially, there were of course concerns, particularly with regard to stability, cremation and customer acceptance. Traditional wooden coffins have a long history and many morticians are familiar with these materials. With a new material such as cellulose, the question always arises: can it really compete with traditional coffins? Another reservation was whether these coffins would even be accepted by the crematoria. As the integrated feet of the slide-in plate allow the coffin to be retracted after lowering for a technically flawless start to the cremation process, this is not a problem for most crematoria.
Initial practical experience has shown that the product not only meets the technical requirements, but even exceeds them in some areas. The high stability and low amount of ash have convinced many skeptics. In addition, the aspect of sustainability is an increasingly important factor for many morticians.
Lavabis: How do morticians actually benefit from the introduction of Flamea coffins?
Silvia Vertetics: For morticians, the Flamea coffins offer several logistical advantages. They are lightweight and space-saving, which makes storage and transportation easier. The sustainability of the product also appeals to younger, environmentally conscious generations, which helps funeral directors to future-proof their offering. In addition, the lower price of the coffins allows price-conscious customers to be offered a high-quality option without having to compromise on quality. All in all, the Flamea coffins open up new opportunities to meet the different needs of customers and at the same time make an important contribution to environmental protection.
Lavabis: Ms. Vertetics, thank you very much for the interview and the interesting insights.
Silvia Vertetics: With pleasure, I am delighted that we can continue to spread this innovation.