Lavabis Workshop Care of the Deceased II


€649,00 EUR

plus VAT and shipping


Mortuary Class II - Advanced Cases / Mortuary Class II - Advanced


In this seminar we will deal with the difficult cases in which an open post-mortem is not easily possible because, for example, the condition after the autopsy is not good or the deceased is already showing signs of gassing and autolysis with fluid leakage is advanced. We will also deal with discoloration of the face and hands. Another component is the safe handling of infectious deceased persons.

Key points Content:

  • Care protocol/embedding protocol, DIN 15017
  • Closing wounds, removing accesses and catheters
  • Closure of body orifices
  • Autopsied deceased (opening sutures and closing them properly)
  • Aspiration of fluids
  • Safe handling of the mortician's case + equipment and aids
  • Cosmetics, air brush
  • Working with wax and silicone
  • Treatment methods for gassing
  • Infectious deceased persons


Target group:

For morticians who would like to deepen their knowledge of hygienic care and would also like to enable open laying out in more difficult cases.


The seminar starts on Friday at 9.00 a.m. with theory, after the lunch break we will move on to practice until probably 4.00 p.m..

On Saturday we will start at 9.00 a.m. with the theory and answer further questions. Afterwards we will go into practice again and the seminar will end at 3.00 pm.

Necessary: Area clothing

Seminar costs including materials 649€

  • Day 1 - Coffee, cold drinks, snacks, cake, .
  • Day 2 - coffee, cold drinks, snacks, cake

Cancellation free of charge up to 4 weeks before the start of the seminar. After that, a cancellation fee of 150€ will be charged.

Time and place:

29.11. + 30.11.2024 - Richardpl. 18, 12055 Berlin

Hotel recommendation:

Estrel Berlin - Sonnenallee 225 12057 Berlin

Please book in such a way that the hotels can be rebooked in an emergency if the venue changes.

Number of participants: min. 10

Saša Milojević, Richardstrasse 43 , 12055 Berlin


With your registration you agree that we may pass on your contact details to the organizer.

If there are not 10 registrations, the course will be canceled and a new date will be set.

Description: Cosmetics, make-up, funeral cosmetics, deceased, laying out, farewell, hygienic care, funeral home, mortician


Sascha Milojevic from Berlin, self-employed as a funeral director in his own institute for more than 25 years. His specialty is, among other things, the cosmetic care of the deceased, even in special situations. He has gained a lot of experience in creating death masks and has often worked as a teacher.

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