Lavabi's Seminar Personal Funeral Speeches & Funeral Services


€699,00 EUR

plus VAT and shipping


Create personalized funeral speeches and unique memorial services

Learn how to use the tried-and-tested three-step formula to create personalized speeches and funeral services that are meaningful and touch loved ones.


You will learn how to create empathetic, unique and meaningful funeral speeches by using a concrete and tried-and-tested concept and proven methods (such as the "triple jump formula" and "reframing").

You will also receive a workbook at the beginning of the seminar. It contains checklists, forms, formulation aids, song lists, a practical question guide for the preliminary discussion with relatives and much more ...

The advantages

  1. More personal service: Funeral directors who give speeches themselves can offer a more personal and empathetic service, as they often work closely with the families throughout the funeral preparations.
  1. Continuity of service: Having the funeral director deliver the eulogy creates continuity of care and a seamless transition at all stages of the funeral.
  1. Expansion of service portfolio: Offering eulogies can expand a funeral home's service portfolio and set it apart from competitors.
  1. Improved customer relations: By offering holistic care, including eulogies, funeral directors can build a deeper relationship with clients.
  1. Cost-effectiveness: Providing this additional service can be more cost-effective for families than hiring an external speaker.
  1. Improved image: Offering eulogies can enhance a funeral director's image as a comprehensive and compassionate service provider.
  1. Greater control over the overall ceremony: By delivering the eulogy themselves, funeral directors can ensure that the entire ceremony is seamless and coherent.
  1. Brand differentiation: Funeral directors who offer eulogies can differentiate themselves from other funeral directors by offering this additional, personalized service.
  1. Potential for new market segments: By offering funeral speeches, funeral directors can appeal to new market segments that value holistic care.

Our repeatedly award-winning training courses are designed to make the best use of the skills, abilities and experience you have already acquired and to develop them further in order to provide relatives with a personalized farewell service.

Key points Content:

  • The preliminary discussion with relatives
  • Practical exercises
  • The preparation phase
  • Structure, content and composition of a speech
  • Formulation aids proven in practice
  • The triple jump formula
  • The advice of the wise
  • Qualified feedback rounds
  • 10 golden rules for the funeral service
  • The 7 most important design elements
  • Your own condition management


Target group:

Funeral directors


Day 1: Saturday

10:00 - 10:45 a.m.: Welcome and introduction

10.45 - 11.15 a.m. The 7 most important design elements of a funeral service

11.15 - 13.00 Confidently conducting the preliminary talk | Techniques and questions for the preliminary talk | Avoiding pitfalls | Gathering information efficiently | How to get three times as much information in ONE hour during the preliminary talk with the next of kin than if you don't ...

13.00 - 14.15 Lunch break

14.15 - 16.45 "Practical workshop preliminary discussion"

16.45 - 17.30 Qualified feedback round, open questions and exchange of experiences

Day 2: Sunday

10.00 - 11.30 a.m. The preparation phase | 9 simple and immediately applicable tips for preparing your speech ... How do you structure and build your speech and fill it with meaningful content? Proven formulation aids for the perfect speech ... Helpful poems, quotes, lyrics ...

11.45 - 13.00 Successfully accompanying the funeral service from a speaker's point of view | 10 golden rules with which you can turn every funeral service into a successful and dignified farewell ... The most important basics of a good speech that often fail ...

13.00 - 14.15 Lunch break

14.15 - 16.30 "Practical workshop eulogy" and "the advice of the wise"

16.30 - 17.15 Your own state management | 10 insider strategies that will help you to keep your composure when you stand in front of a grieving group of people and not burst into tears yourself! And: Which solution is not an option and why?

17.15 - 17.30 Presentation of certificates and closing


Pens and notepad

If available, a previously prepared eulogy


659,- €

(certificate included)

Free parking is available. During the lunch break, you will find food and drink options in the immediate vicinity. Coffee, tea, drinks and pastries will be provided during the breaks.

Cancellation of registration

If you are unable to attend the seminar, you will not incur any costs if we receive a written cancellation from you at least 4 weeks before the start of the seminar. If we receive your written cancelation at least 2 weeks before the start of the seminar, a cancellation fee of 100,- € will be charged. If you cancel later, the full seminar fee is due. However, you are free to send a substitute participant to the seminar.

Time and place:

October 26 & 27, 2024 in Dormagen near Cologne

Saturday 10.00 - 17.30

Sunday 10.00 - 17.30

Hotel recommendation: Hotel Weilerhof Weilergasse 5

41540 Dormagen 02133 / 42476

Distance to the seminar room: 3 minutes by car / 15 minutes on foot Distance to the main train station: 5 minutes on foot

Hotel Restaurant Höttche

Distance to the seminar room: 5 minutes by car / 32 minutes on foot Distance to the city center: 1 minute on foot

Hotel "Schloss Friedestrom"

For the more discerning (4 star hotel)

Distance to the seminar room: 10-12 minutes by car

Number of participants:

Minimum number of participants: 5 persons

Maximum number of participants: 10 persons


Daniel Mossa Robert-Koch-Str. 47 41539 Dormagen

Notes: With your registration you agree that we may pass on your contact details to the organizer.
Designation: Funeral home, funeral director, grief, psychology, loss, bereaved, deceased, death, eulogy, workshop


Daniel Mossa is the expert for free funeral services in Germany. He has been a full-time funeral speaker himself since 2002 and has been able to accompany over 1500 funeral services in the past 20 years. He is not only an experienced speaker, but also a dedicated instructor and trainer who has been passing on his knowledge for over a decade.

His qualification as a certified NLP Master Trainer and Coach enables him to combine deep human insights with professional methods. As an active member of both the German Speakers Association and the Global Speakers Federation, he actively promotes the development of proven methods and new approaches in the funeral speaker industry through innovative education and training programs."

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