Lavabi's seminar Dealing with grief - strengthening your own resilience


€399,00 EUR

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Dealing with grief - strengthening your own resilience

What does resilience mean - for myself as a funeral director, for the team, but also as a tool in dealing with relatives to whom you want to give strength


In this training, we work on strengthening resilience, building inner strength and a positive self-image and keeping all this stable. Resilience is an important factor, but it should be used consciously. How can you use resilience in a targeted way and not let your own mental strength become a "corset"? It is important to learn to deal with your own limits and accept them as part of your daily work.

Resilience does not just apply to individuals; it is also an important anchor in a team. So how can you build resilience in a team and strengthen the team?

Key points Content:

  • Strengthening resilience

  • Building inner strength and a positive self-image

  • Using resilience consciously

  • Learning acceptance

  • Learning to deal with your own limits

  • Strengthen my team

  • Finding support in the team


Target group:

Funeral directors


One-day event from 9:00-17:00, including catering

Necessary: -

399,- € net incl. lunch, coffee, pastries

Up to 4 weeks before the event can be canceled free of charge, after that 100,- € cancellation fee.

Time and place:

September 09, 2024 Frankfurt am Main

Hotel recommendation: Frankfurt: Hotel Lindner, Bolongarostr. 100
Number of participants: 15 persons

ANXO Management Consulting GmbH, Bolongarostr. 103, 65929 Frankfurt am Main

Notes: With your registration you agree that we may pass on your contact details to the organizer.
Designation: Funeral home, mortician, grief, psychology, loss, bereaved, deceased, death


Dagmar Strehlau is a qualified psychologist. After working for Volksbank Weinheim and Deutsche Bahn AG, Ms. Strehlau has been Managing Director of ANXO MANAGEMENT CONSULTING GmbH since 2006 and advises companies from various industries on HR issues. She specializes in training and coaching managers in particularly difficult management situations. She is a member of the Berufsverband Deutscher Psychologinnen und Psychologen e.V. (Professional Association of German Psychologists) and the Bundesverband Deutscher Unternehmensberatungen e.V. (Federal Association of German Management Consultants).

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