Hartmann Bacillol Zero Tissues


€14,90 EUR

plus VAT and shipping

Lieferzeit: 1-2 Tage*

Product advantages:

- Ready-to-use quick disinfectant wipes made of 100% plastic-free non-woven wipe material
- Free from alcohols, quaternary ammonium compounds, peroxides, perfumes and dyes
>98.5% ingredients of organic origin
Very good material compatibility
Can be used without gloves(if permitted by infection and occupational safety regulations)

Product details:

Function: For cleaning and disinfecting medical inventory and surfaces
Efficacy: Bactericidal, levurocidal, tuberculocidal, mycobactericidal, limited virucidal, limited virucidal plus, virucidal
Dimensions per wipe: 20 x 17 cm
Onset of action: Virucidal after 2 minutes
Areas of application: Areas where comprehensive effectiveness is required within a very short time and in sensitive areas that come into contact with the product
Designation: Disinfectant wipes, wet wipes, rapid disinfectant wipes, disinfectant wipe, rapid disinfection, wipe disinfection, surface disinfection, disinfection, hygiene wipes, hygiene wet wipes, hygiene cleaning wipes
Scope of delivery: Bacillol Zero Tissues á 100 pieces per bag
Please note: Please note the information in the Downloads section

Other product features:

- Broad material compatibility with alcohol-insensitive surfaces
- Cleaning disinfection of invasive medical devices, but not as the last step in reprocessing.
- Free from alcohols, quaternary ammonium compounds, oxidizing agents, perfumes and dyes


- Bacillol Zero Tissues from the flowpack wet the surfaces thoroughly and over a large area and act quickly, even on sensitive surfaces. Due to their composition, Bacillol Zero Tissues can also be used without gloves.

Anwendung Oberflächen mit den Bacillol® Zero Tissues sorgfältig abwischen. Auf vollständige Benetzung achten, damit der optimale Desinfektionserfolg gewährleistet ist. Aufgrund ihrer Zusammensetzung können die Bacillol® Zero Tissues auch ohne Handschuhe eingesetzt werden, sofern Infektions- und Arbeitsschutz dies zulassen. Nach Gebrauch Tissue der Abfallentsorgung zuführen. Um das vorzeitige Austrocknen der Tücher zu verhindern, Tücherverpackung direkt nach Gebrauch wieder verschließen. Keine Desinfektionsmittellösung in das Innere elektrischer Geräte gelangen lassen. Die Angaben des Geräteherstellers sind zu beachten. Zur einmaligen Verwendung. Bei Produktwechsel ist eine Zwischenreinigung durchzuführen

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