Dobro Stromboli Verveine odor eliminator


€16,99 EUR

plus VAT and shipping

Lieferzeit: 1-2 Tage*

Product advantages:

- For professional use
- High atomizing power thanks to MTB technology (Mega Turbo Buster)
- Suitable for large-scale and extensive use
- Sufficient for approx. 80 - 100 applications or spraying processes
- High atomizing power
- Pleasant fragrance (lemon)

Product details:

Function: Neutralization and elimination of unpleasant odours
Application: A short jet of approx. 1 - 2 seconds is sprayed into the room. Thanks to its active formula, it spreads independently and immediately spreads a fresh odor
Areas of application: All places that are exposed to unpleasant odors (funeral services, transport, hotels, restaurants, retirement homes, hospitals, hotels, veterinary practices, households, etc.).
Areas of application: Dining room, hotel room, hallway, conference room, changing room, sales hall, laboratory, workshop, storage room, hotel room, etc.
Designation: Odour neutralizer, odour neutralizer, odour destroyer, room fragrance neutralizer, odour remover, odour eliminator, odour reducer, odour control spray, odour control spray, odour neutralizing spray
Scope of delivery: Dobro Stromboli Verveine spray can 750 ml
Note: Use biocidal product with care. Always read the label and product information before use.

Other product features:

- Active ingredients verbena and eucalyptus combine with the odor-causing molecules when the product is used and prevent the further decomposition process. This stops the odours.
- molecules are captured, enveloped and converted into an odourless and harmless fatty substance - eliminates/neutralizes even extremely foul-smelling odours such as tobacco smoke, putrefaction, waste, urine, heating oil, smoke, animal, food and musty smells.
- Stromboli is not an odour cover-up, but an odour eliminator and is not comparable in effectiveness to any room spray from the drugstore.


  • Wirkstoffe Eisenkraut und Eukalyptus verbinden sich beim Einsatz des Produktes mit den geruchsverursachenden Molekülen und verhindern den weiteren Zersetzungsprozess. Damit werden die Gerüche gestoppt.
  • Moleküle werden eingefangen, eingehüllt und in einen geruchs- und harmlosen Fettstoff umgewandelt.
  • Hohe Zerstäubungskraft durch MTB-Technologie (Mega Turbo Buster).
  • Besonders für großräumige und großflächige Einsätze geeignet
  • Jumbo-Spraydose (mit 750 ml Inhalt) ist ausreichend für ca. 80 - 100 Anwendungen (Sprühvorgänge).
  • Duftnote: nach Zitrone.

Ein kurzer Strahl von ca. 1 - 2 Sekunden wird in den Raum gesprüht. Dieser verteilt sich durch seine Aktivformel selbständig und verbreitet sofort einen frischen Geruch.

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